Friday, December 21, 2012

Gesture Drawing and Storyboarding for Animation

It's been such a great honor learning from Steven Macleod (Dreamworks Story Artist) and Louis Gonzalez (Pixar Story Artist) these past couple of months! I learned so much from the classes they taught.

When you can, please let me know what you think :)

I boarded out this story, "Scared to Swim", from Steven Macleod's Storyboarding for Animation class.

Here is the script and thumbnails I worked off of.

One of our assignments in the class was to make single image gags.

Here are some drawings that I did from Louis Gonzalez's Gesture Drawing class:

Our final assignment for the class was to use gesture drawing to tell a story:

Gesture Drawing class and Storyboarding for Animation went hand in hand. Taking both classes at the same time really helped me better capture each emotion within a pose and use it to tell a story.

It was a great challenge taking these classes and I'm glad I did :)

I hope you enjoyed the drawings! Thank you for stopping by!


Anonymous said...

Your storyboard is amazing! Can't get over how cute and simple funny it is (:

Mark Pamintuan said...

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)