Friday, December 21, 2012

Gesture Drawing and Storyboarding for Animation

It's been such a great honor learning from Steven Macleod (Dreamworks Story Artist) and Louis Gonzalez (Pixar Story Artist) these past couple of months! I learned so much from the classes they taught.

When you can, please let me know what you think :)

I boarded out this story, "Scared to Swim", from Steven Macleod's Storyboarding for Animation class.

Here is the script and thumbnails I worked off of.

One of our assignments in the class was to make single image gags.

Here are some drawings that I did from Louis Gonzalez's Gesture Drawing class:

Our final assignment for the class was to use gesture drawing to tell a story:

Gesture Drawing class and Storyboarding for Animation went hand in hand. Taking both classes at the same time really helped me better capture each emotion within a pose and use it to tell a story.

It was a great challenge taking these classes and I'm glad I did :)

I hope you enjoyed the drawings! Thank you for stopping by!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Silhouette & Quick Sketches

Storyboarding for Animation and Gesture Drawing online classes on top of a full time job have been really keeping me busy. Though it's a challenge, I am very blessed to have these things :)

Here are a some sketches from gesture drawing class where we used silhouette:

And here are some quick sketches I did for week 1 of storyboarding for animation. I'm really glad I got to draw a lot despite the weather getting more wet and cold:

I hope you enjoyed the drawings! Thank you for visiting!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Gesture Drawing Class

These past couple of weeks, through I have been taking an online gesture drawing class with Pixar Story Artists Alex Woo and Louis Gonzalez. It's been such an honor learning from them! The class has been awesome and both Alex and Louis have been very helpful.

For the first lesson, we distilled the pose using line of action. I drew some people in public using line of action first then built up from there:

I noticed so many people were either on their phones or iPad with no interaction with each other at all. Technology is taking over all of us!

We just finished lesson 2 this week where we draw the pose using line of action and shape. These were drawn based on pictures I have gathered:

I hope you enjoyed the drawings! Thank you for visiting!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I missed my bus stop soo I decided to draw while I walked to my carpool's place. Enjoy!

Always saw this church whenever I went to the mall. I thought I'd draw it :)

 I thought this power plant type structure was interesting to draw.

 The trail I was walking on. Ran into some friends here :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sketching in Different Places

Did a bit of traveling this past month and I'm very glad I got the chance to sketch on some places :)

Orlando Int'l Airport was THE BEST airport I have ever been to.

Orlando Int'l Airport

At the Big Day of Play event in Seattle. It was fun drawing the kids :)

Went to a Mariners game (glad we won!)

At Oceanside, Oregon. I could stare at this view all day.
Oceanside Oregon

Thanks for viewing!